(207) 564-7612 Atkinson, Maine

Solo Canoes

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Price List and Special Order Items

Weight45 lbs.
Base Price$4,800.00
Developed in 1987 from an early E.M. White design, Willow is 15' of pure paddling pleasure for the intermediate and expert paddlers. Normally used solo, its arched rocker bottom makes Willow responsive to your whispered commands. Her narrow entry and lightweight make Willow a very quick boat as well. Willow may be outfitted for general pleasure and light tripping, or set up for Freestyle paddling.
Willow Wisp
Length14' 6
Weight45 lbs.
Base Price$4,800.00
WilloWisp looks much like the 15' Willow, but on closer examination the flatter bottom, tumblehome sides and less radical entry prove it to be a gentler design for casual poking around backwaters and maybe some fishing. And there is a caned seat for the paddler instead of Willow's paddling thwart. At 45 pounds it is a snap to put on the car or carry into the next pond.

Custom Building Wood-Canvas Canoes Since 1975